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Children Samaritan Community Health

About Us

Children Samaritan is a global team of humanitarian 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We are working with underserved  communities, donors, partners, and volunteers to create a future of possibility for the most vulnerable children where everyone can thrive. 

Our Core Mission

Working together to improving the quality of life and well-being of children.

Our Vision

For every child to reach their full potential and enjoy life. 

The Problem

The effects of intergenerational poverty are most damaging to the most vulnerable children's

life. Extreme poverty in their life and households does not only limits their future, it drags down their societies. Children who have grown up in poverty suffer the most compared to their piers with better background, because of lack of food, education, healthcare, and sanitation they need to thrive. Extreme poverty can trap children, but we all can work together to break the cycle.


Our Approach

We and our partners, work side by side with communities to develop effective solutions that make lasting change possible, for children living through extreme poverty, in the areas of education, food and nutrition, healthcare, and sanitation. We serve all children regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. 

Our History

Children Samaritan history
Children Samaritan history

Ours is a grassroots story. In 1999, a group of young volunteers traveled to Africa to support some remote rural community projects . What they witnessed moved them to their core: remote rural communities without access to basic healthcare, and people needlessly dying without hope. Being moved by such situations, these youngsters established a grassroot nonprofit organization called World Partners for Development to help hard-to-reach remote communities to receive long lasting tools to overcome poverty. The name World Partners for Development was later changed to Children Samaritans to focus on working towards a brighter future for children to impact their lives and their generations.

Today, Children Samaritan and its partners work work in many underserved communities in Africa and other parts of the world. Our important work continues and will never stop —each day, we are renewed with that same vision that our founders held—that a committed and dedicated group of individuals can save lives and change the course of intergenerational poverty, one day at a time.

You are Welcome to Partner with US. Contact Us Now!

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